Experienced. Conservative. Trusted.
Legal and Judicial Experience
★ Licensed Attorney for over 28 years.
★ Former Felony Prosecutor.
★ Performed all duties relative to felony criminal prosecution.
★ Participated in over 100 felony jury trials.
★ Currently serving as Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4 in Parker County, Texas.
★ Performs magistrate duties including setting bail of persons incarcerated in the Parker County Jail.
★ Presides over bench and jury trials for both criminal Class C Misdemeanor cases and civil cases with damages less than $20,000.00.
★ Issues warrants for arrest of individuals charged with Misdemeanor and Felony crimes occurring within Parker County.
Professional Affiliations
★ Member, Texas Bar Association (1993-present)
★ Member, Texas Bar College
★ Member & Former President, Parker County Bar Association
★ Member & Former Officer, Parker County Sheriff’s Posse (1983-present)
★ Endowment Life Member, National Rifle Association
★ Life Member, Texas State Rifle Association
★ Member, Azle, East Parker County, Springtown and Weatherford Chambers of Commerce
★ Associate Member, Parker County Republican Women